Magic Forest
Haunted Spell to speak and Communicate with the Dead and past loved ones
This is the pendant of Nut, the Ancient Egyptian sky goddess. The Pendant will give the rightful owner the power to speak and communicate with the Dead. After wearing it for a few days you will begin to see visions of the dead and be able to call upon the dead. To the ancient Egyptians Nut (Nuit) was the personification of the sky ( originally she was a goddess of just the sky at day, where the clouds formed) and the heavens. She was believed to be the daughter of the gods Shu and Tefnut, the granddaughter of the sun god Ra. Her husband was also her brother, Geb. She was thought to be the mother of five children on the five extra days of the Egyptian calendar, won by Thoth- Osiris who was born on the first day, Horus the Elder on the second, Set on the third, Isis on the fourth, and Nephthys the last born on the fith day. The days on which these deities were born were known as the ‘five epagomenal days of the year’, and they were celebrated all over Egypt. As a Goddess who gave birth to the sun each day, She became connected with the underworld, resurrection and the tomb. She was seen as a friend to the dead, as a mother-like protector to those who often painted on the inside lid of the sarcophagus, protecting the dead until he or she, like Ra, could be reborn in their new life. nut was seen as a mother-figure to the sun God Ra, who at sunrise was known as Khepera and took the form of a scarab beetle ( at noon he was Ra at his full strength, and at sunset he was known as Atem (Tem, Temu, Atum) who was old and weakening) Homage to thee, O thou who hast comes as Khepera, Khepera the creator of the Gods, Thou art seated on thy throne, thou risest up in the sky, illumining thy mother Nut, thou art seated on thy throne as King of the gods. Thy mother Nut stretcheth out her hands, and performeth an act of homage to thee. The Company of the Gods rejoice at thy rising, the earth is glad when it beholdeth thy rays; the people who have been long dead come forth with cries of joy to behold thy beauties every day. Thou goest forth each day by thy mother Nut. This Spell hold this very power of Nut the Sky Goddess. You will have the power to speak to the Dead and past loved ones. Thank you.
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